Northwest Arkansas Oral History Project

Collecting stories one by one

The Northwest Arkansas Oral History Project (NWAOHP) records and archives oral histories of individuals with Arkansas stories to tell. The target area for the organization is Benton, Washington, Madison and Carroll counties. NWAOHP collaborates with local museums, historical organizations and other entities to identify persons (Narrators) to interview. The stories are recorded by trained volunteers and archived at the University of Arkansas through a partnership with the Pryor Center for Arkansas Oral and Visual History.

NWAOHP is a volunteer 501(c) 3 organization coordinated by Connie Fetters and Camille Hatcher. A grant from the Arkansas Humanities Council provided support for processing and publication of this project on the Pryor Center website. The Project promotes inter-generational participation and strives to have a Narrator group that is culturally and ethnically diverse.

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Troy Lee Almand

Frank E. Anderson

Vernon L. Austin

Mary Edna Baggett

Zanetta Reed Bedwell

Jessie Angeline "Angie" Benham

Helen Troy Bladon

Arlina Faye Blair

Delbert Buffer

Marta Lou Chandler

Roland D. "Rod" Clardy

Jerry C. Clark

Norma B. Clark

Kaye Cotton

Jim Council

George Cowgur

Tim Craig

Tommy K. Croxdale

Richard I. Daniel

Kathleen L. Dickerson

John V. Drum

Robert D. "Dodie" Evans

Marianne J. Farner

Robert Douglass "Doug" Farner

Dean Fladager

Edward Roy Galyean

Kenneth W. Galyean

Eleanor Jean Wells Goodwyn

Faye Gould

Edwin John Graf

Douglas R. Grant

Billie Sue Hankins

Susan K. Holland

Robert E. Kelley

Ida Bess LeFevre

Carol Sue Loux

Nellie Dolores Lynch

Mary Briscoe Marquess

William M. Mattler Sr.

John L. Mitchael

Myra Miles Moran

Pat Moran

Jack Netherton

Jimmie Lee Nevener

Gwendolen A. Rakes

Elwin Charles Roe Jr.

Wanda Jeraldean Finley Roe

Tennie Russell

Patricia Ann Savage

Bill W. Sutton

Charlene Taylor-Bennett

Margaret E. "Peggy" Thompson

Reta Townzen

Charles H. "Charlie" Turner

Mike von Ree

Constance V. Waddell

Orpha Wardlaw

Forrest K. White

Juanita Whiteside

Marvin J. Wilber

M. Dorene Wills

Sue A. Dunnaway Woods

James P. "Jim" Wozniak