Arkansas Voices

Arkansas is full of fascinating people, and each one has a story to tell. The Arkansas Voices project is a collection of interviews conducted by Pryor Center staff and others in the oral history tradition. This diverse collection of interviews not only offers insights into the lives of the people interviewed but also allows the listener to better understand Arkansas and its history and culture.

Interviewee Interviewer Date
B Billingsley, George Jeannie Whayne 01/10/2002
Blair, Diane Roy Reed 05/04/2000
F Faubus, Alta Rebecca Kastelberg 07/19/2000
L Laman, William Roy Reed 06/14/2001
R Ragsdale, John Jeannie Whayne 10/13/2003
Reed, Herbert Roy Reed 11/15/1999
S Scarlett, C. Peggy Lloyd 06/10/2000
Singer, Margaret James H. Swiggert 10/09/2019
Stevens, Dorothy Tom Dillard 05/17/2006
Strack, Monica Michael Pierce 07/02/2002
T Timmons, Seth Roy Reed 02/24/2000
W Warbritton, Charles Peggy Lloyd 06/05/2000
Wilson, Charles George Sabo 07/20/2004
Y Yoe, Mary David Edwards 06/05/2001